也可能为未正确卸载office 2016导致注册表有残留,各种清理工具无法彻底清除。
按以下步骤清除:(环境:windows 10 家庭版 x64 & office 2016 pro plus x64 )
cscript "c:program filesmicrosoft officeoffice16ospp.vbs" /dstatus
cscript "c:program files (x86)microsoft officeoffice16ospp.vbs" /dstatus
microsoft (r) windows script host version 5.812
kb88凯时官网登录的版权所有(c) microsoft corporation。保留所有权利。
product id: ?????-?????-?????-?????
sku id: ???
license name: office 16, office16proplusr_grace edition(具体版本)
license description: office 16, retail(grace) channel (retail为零售版,vl为批量授权)
beta expiration: 1601/1/1
license status: ---notifications---
error code: 0xc004f009
error description: the software licensing service reported that the grace period expired.
last 5 characters of installed product key: btdrb (激活码后五位) (多余的)
product id: ???sku id: ???
license name: office 16, office16proplusvl_mak edition
license description: office 16, retail(mak) channel
beta expiration: 1601/1/1
license status: ---licensed---
last 5 characters of installed product key: ????? (已经激活的版本)
product id:???
sku id: ???
license name: office 16, office16proplusr_retail edition
license description: office 16, retail channel
beta expiration: 1601/1/1
license status: ---oob_grace---
error code: 0x4004f00c
error description: the software licensing service reported that the application is running within the valid grace period.
remaining grace: 20 days (28940 minute(s) before expiring)
last 5 characters of installed product key: 722qv (激活码后五位) (多余的)
cd /d c:program filesmicrosoft officeoffice16
或者(32位) cd /d c:program files (x86)microsoft officeoffice16
4、输入含你要清除的激活信息的后五位(别选错) 将下方五个问号替换成激活码后五位
cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:?????
{示例:cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:722qv}
c:program filesmicrosoft officeoffice16>cscript ospp.vbs /unpkey:722qv
microsoft (r) windows script host version 5.812
kb88凯时官网登录的版权所有(c) microsoft corporation。保留所有权利。
uninstalling product key for: office 16, office16proplusr_retail edition
6、重新启动,enjoy yourselves!