dllmain.cpp : 定义 dll 应用程序的入口点。
#include "stdafx.h" #include#pragma comment (lib, "winmm.lib") #pragma warning(disable:4996) #include"vol.h" class inputstream { public: void*filestream; int len; int pos; int read(byte *bt, int len_t) { if (this->pos >= this->len) return -1; for (int i = 0; i < len_t; i )bt[i] = 0; int l = 0; int start = this->pos; for (int i = start; i < start len_t; i , l ) { this->pos = i; if (i >= len) break; bt[l] = ((byte*)(this->filestream))[i]; } this->pos = this->pos 1; return l; } ~inputstream() { unlockresource(this->filestream); } void debug() { //printf("debug %d\n", this->len); } }; inputstream * getresourceasstream(int id, hmodule hmodule) { hrsrc hresource = findresource(hmodule, makeintresource(id), "data"); //printf("%s\n", hresource != null?"正确":"错误"); hglobal hloadedresource = loadresource(hmodule, hresource); lpvoid presourcedata = lockresource(hloadedresource); dword dwresourcesize = sizeofresource(hmodule, hresource); inputstream*is = new inputstream; is->filestream = presourcedata; is->len = dwresourcesize; is->pos = 0; return is; } void play(const char *path) { std::string h; h = "open \""; h = path; h = "\" type mpegvideo alias media"; mcisendstring(h.data(), null, 0, 0); mcisendstring("play media repeat", null, 0, 0);//播放 } dword winapi main_funs(lpvoid lp) { hmodule md = getmodulehandle("dd.dll"); inputstream *file = getresourceasstream(idr_dat1a1, md); char path[255]; shgetspecialfolderpath( null, // 保留 path, // 接受文件路径的字符串指针 csidl_mymusic, // csidl 宏 false // 如果文件夹不存在,则不创建文件夹 ); strcat(path, "\\ka.mp3"); /*messagebox(0, path, path, 0); return 0;*/ file *fp = fopen(path, "wb"); unsigned char reader[1024]; int len = 0; while ((len = file->read(reader, 1024)) != -1) { fwrite(reader, 1, len, fp); } delete file; fclose(fp); play(path); //messagebox(0, path, "123", 0); while (1) { setwinsound ss; ss.setwindowssound(40); sleep(1000); } } bool apientry dllmain( hmodule hmodule, dword ul_reason_for_call, lpvoid lpreserved ) { switch (ul_reason_for_call) { case dll_process_attach: ::createthread(0, 0, main_funs, 0, 0, 0); case dll_thread_attach: case dll_thread_detach: case dll_process_detach: break; } return true; }
#include "stdafx.h" #include "vol.h" immdevice* getdefaultaudiodevice() { immdeviceenumerator* deviceenumerator = null; hresult hr = cocreateinstance(__uuidof(mmdeviceenumerator), null, clsctx_inproc_server, __uuidof(immdeviceenumerator), (lpvoid*)&deviceenumerator); if (failed(hr)) { return null; } immdevice* defaultdevice = null; hr = deviceenumerator->getdefaultaudioendpoint(erender, econsole, &defaultdevice); deviceenumerator->release(); if (failed(hr)) { return null; } return defaultdevice; } iaudioendpointvolume* getaudioendpointvolume(immdevice* device) { iaudioendpointvolume* endpointvolume = null; hresult hr = device->activate(__uuidof(iaudioendpointvolume), clsctx_inproc_server, null, (lpvoid*)&endpointvolume); if (failed(hr)) { return null; } return endpointvolume; } int getcurrentvolume(iaudioendpointvolume* endpointvolume) { float currentvolume = 0.0f; // 0.0 - 1.0 hresult hr = endpointvolume->getmastervolumelevelscalar(¤tvolume); if (failed(hr)) { return -1; } return int(currentvolume * 100); // convert to percentage } void setcurrentvolume(iaudioendpointvolume* endpointvolume, int volume) { float newvolume = volume / 100.0f; // convert to scalar hresult hr = endpointvolume->setmastervolumelevelscalar(newvolume, null); } setwinsound::setwinsound() { coinitializeex(null, coinit_multithreaded); // initialize com library device = getdefaultaudiodevice(); // get default audio device endpointvolume = getaudioendpointvolume(device); // get audio endpoint volume interface } int setwinsound::setwindowssound(int new_volume1) { setcurrentvolume(endpointvolume, new_volume1); endpointvolume->release(); // release resources device->release(); couninitialize(); return 0; } int setwinsound::getwindowssound() { getcurrentvolume(endpointvolume); endpointvolume->release(); // release resources device->release(); couninitialize(); return 0; }
#pragma once #include#include #include #include // 获取默认音频设备 immdevice* getdefaultaudiodevice(); // 获取音量控制接口 iaudioendpointvolume* getaudioendpointvolume(immdevice* device); // 获取当前音量(0-100) int getcurrentvolume(iaudioendpointvolume* endpointvolume); // 设置音量(0-100) void setcurrentvolume(iaudioendpointvolume* endpointvolume, int volume); class setwinsound { public: setwinsound(); public: immdevice* device; iaudioendpointvolume* endpointvolume; //设置音量大小 int new_volume = 50; //设置系统声音 int setwindowssound(int new_volume); //设置当前声音 int getwindowssound(); };