sqlite是一个轻量级、跨平台的关系型数据库,在小型项目中,方便,易用,同时支持多种开发语言,下面是我用c#语言对sqlite 的一个封装。
1.如果不想用多线程可以去掉usinglock.cs ,在sqlitehelper.cs中删除对应的引用即可。
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.data; using system.data.common; using system.data.sqlite; using system.io; using system.text; namespace mysqlitehelper { public class sqlitehelper { #region 字段 ////// 事务的基类 /// private dbtransaction dbtrans; ////// 使用静态变量字典解决多线程实例本类,实现一个数据库对应一个clslock /// private static readonly dictionaryrwl = new dictionary (); /// /// 数据库地址 /// private readonly string mdatafile; ////// 数据库密码 /// private readonly string mpassword; private readonly string lockname = null; ////// 数据库连接定义 /// private sqliteconnection mconn; #endregion #region 构造函数 ////// 根据数据库地址初始化 /// /// 数据库地址 public sqlitehelper(string datafile) { this.mdatafile = datafile ?? throw new argumentnullexception("datafile=null"); //this.mdatafile = appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory datafile; this.mdatafile = datafile; if (!rwl.containskey(datafile)) { lockname = datafile; rwl.add(datafile, new clslock()); } } ////// 使用密码打开数据库 /// /// 数据库地址 /// 数据库密码 public sqlitehelper(string datafile, string password) { this.mdatafile = datafile ?? throw new argumentnullexception("datafile is null"); this.mpassword = password ?? throw new argumentnullexception("password is null"); //this.mdatafile = appdomain.currentdomain.basedirectory datafile; this.mdatafile = datafile; if (!rwl.containskey(datafile)) { lockname = datafile; rwl.add(datafile, new clslock()); } } #endregion #region 打开/关闭 数据库 ////// 打开 sqlitemanager 使用的数据库连接 /// public void open() { if (string.isnullorwhitespace(mpassword)) { mconn = openconnection(this.mdatafile); } else { mconn = openconnection(this.mdatafile, mpassword); } console.writeline("打开数据库成功"); } ////// 关闭连接 /// public void close() { if (this.mconn != null) { try { this.mconn.close(); if (rwl.containskey(lockname)) { rwl.remove(lockname); } } catch { console.writeline("关闭失败"); } } console.writeline("关闭数据库成功"); } #endregion #region 事务 ////// 开始事务 /// public void begintrain() { ensureconnection(); dbtrans = mconn.begintransaction(); } ////// 提交事务 /// public void dbcommit() { try { dbtrans.commit(); } catch (exception) { dbtrans.rollback(); } } #endregion #region 工具 ////// 打开一个sqlite数据库文件,如果文件不存在,则创建(无密码) /// /// ///sqliteconnection 类 private sqliteconnection openconnection(string datafile) { if (datafile == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("datafiledatafile=null"); } if (!file.exists(datafile)) { sqliteconnection.createfile(datafile); } sqliteconnection conn = new sqliteconnection(); sqliteconnectionstringbuilder constr = new sqliteconnectionstringbuilder { datasource = datafile }; conn.connectionstring = constr.tostring(); conn.open(); return conn; } ////// 打开一个sqlite数据库文件,如果文件不存在,则创建(有密码) /// /// /// ///sqliteconnection 类 private sqliteconnection openconnection(string datafile, string password) { if (datafile == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("datafile=null"); } if (!file.exists(convert.tostring(datafile))) { sqliteconnection.createfile(datafile); } try { sqliteconnection conn = new sqliteconnection(); sqliteconnectionstringbuilder constr = new sqliteconnectionstringbuilder { datasource = datafile, password = password }; conn.connectionstring = constr.tostring(); conn.open(); return conn; } catch (exception) { return null; } } ////// 读取 或 设置 sqlitemanager 使用的数据库连接 /// public sqliteconnection connection { get { return mconn; } private set { mconn = value ?? throw new argumentnullexception(); } } ////// 确保数据库是连接状态 /// ///protected void ensureconnection() { if (this.mconn == null) { throw new exception("sqlitemanager.connection=null"); } if (mconn.state != connectionstate.open) { mconn.open(); } } /// /// 获取数据库文件的路径 /// ///public string getdatafile() { return this.mdatafile; } /// /// 判断表 table 是否存在 /// /// ///存在返回true,否则返回false public bool tableexists(string table) { if (table == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("table=null"); } ensureconnection(); sqlitedatareader reader = executereader("select count(*) as c from sqlite_master where type='table' and name=@tablename ", new sqliteparameter[] { new sqliteparameter("tablename", table) }); if (reader == null) { return false; } reader.read(); int c = reader.getint32(0); reader.close(); reader.dispose(); //return false; return c == 1; } ////// vacuum 命令(通过复制主数据库中的内容到一个临时数据库文件,然后清空主数据库,并从副本中重新载入原始的数据库文件) /// ///public bool vacuum() { try { using (sqlitecommand command = new sqlitecommand("vacuum", connection)) { command.executenonquery(); } return true; } catch (system.data.sqlite.sqliteexception) { return false; } } #endregion #region 执行sql /// /// 执行sql, 并返回 sqlitedatareader 对象结果 /// /// /// null 表示无参数 ///public sqlitedatareader executereader(string sql, sqliteparameter[] paramarr) { if (sql == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("sql=null"); } ensureconnection(); using (rwl[lockname].read()) { using (sqlitecommand cmd = new sqlitecommand(sql, connection)) { if (paramarr != null) { cmd.parameters.addrange(paramarr); } try { sqlitedatareader reader = cmd.executereader(); cmd.parameters.clear(); return reader; } catch (exception) { return null; } } } } /// /// 执行查询,并返回dataset对象 /// /// sql查询语句 /// 参数数组 ///public dataset executedataset(string sql, sqliteparameter[] paramarr) { if (sql == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("sql=null"); } this.ensureconnection(); using (rwl[lockname].read()) { using (sqlitecommand cmd = new sqlitecommand(sql, this.connection)) { if (paramarr != null) { cmd.parameters.addrange(paramarr); } try { sqlitedataadapter da = new sqlitedataadapter(); dataset ds = new dataset(); da.selectcommand = cmd; da.fill(ds); cmd.parameters.clear(); da.dispose(); return ds; } catch (exception) { return null; } } } } /// /// 执行sql查询,并返回dataset对象。 /// /// 映射源表的名称 /// sql语句 /// sql参数数组 ///public dataset executedataset(string strtable, string sql, sqliteparameter[] paramarr) { if (sql == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("sql=null"); } this.ensureconnection(); using (rwl[lockname].read()) { using (sqlitecommand cmd = new sqlitecommand(sql, this.connection)) { if (paramarr != null) { cmd.parameters.addrange(paramarr); } try { sqlitedataadapter da = new sqlitedataadapter(); dataset ds = new dataset(); da.selectcommand = cmd; da.fill(ds, strtable); cmd.parameters.clear(); da.dispose(); return ds; } catch (exception) { return null; } } } } /// /// 执行sql,返回受影响的行数,可用于执行表创建语句,paramarr == null 表示无参数 /// /// ///public int executenonquery(string sql, sqliteparameter[] paramarr) { if (sql == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("sql=null"); } this.ensureconnection(); using (rwl[lockname].read()) { try { using (sqlitecommand cmd = new sqlitecommand(sql, connection)) { if (paramarr != null) { foreach (sqliteparameter p in paramarr) { cmd.parameters.add(p); } } int c = cmd.executenonquery(); cmd.parameters.clear(); return c; } } catch (sqliteexception) { return 0; } } } /// /// 执行sql,返回结果集第一行,如果结果集为空,那么返回空 list(list.count=0), /// rowwrapper = null 时,使用 wraprowtodictionary /// /// /// ///public object executescalar(string sql, sqliteparameter[] paramarr) { if (sql == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("sql=null"); } this.ensureconnection(); using (rwl[lockname].read()) { using (sqlitecommand cmd = new sqlitecommand(sql, connection)) { if (paramarr != null) { cmd.parameters.addrange(paramarr); } try { object reader = cmd.executescalar(); cmd.parameters.clear(); cmd.dispose(); return reader; } catch (exception) { return null; } } } } /// /// 查询一行记录,无结果时返回 null,conditioncol = null 时将忽略条件,直接执行 select * from table /// /// 表名 /// /// ///public object queryone(string table, string conditioncol, object conditionval) { if (table == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("table=null"); } this.ensureconnection(); string sql = "select * from " table; if (conditioncol != null) { sql = " where " conditioncol "=@" conditioncol; } object result = executescalar(sql, new sqliteparameter[] { new sqliteparameter(conditioncol, conditionval) }); return result; } #endregion #region 增 删 改 /// /// 执行 insert into 语句 /// /// /// ///public int insertdata(string table, dictionary entity) { if (table == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("table=null"); } this.ensureconnection(); string sql = buildinsert(table, entity); return this.executenonquery(sql, buildparamarray(entity)); } /// /// 执行 update 语句,注意:如果 where = null,那么 whereparams 也为 null, /// /// 表名 /// 要修改的列名和列名的值 /// 查找符合条件的列 /// where条件中参数的值 ///public int update(string table, dictionary entity, string where, sqliteparameter[] whereparams) { if (table == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("table=null"); } this.ensureconnection(); string sql = buildupdate(table, entity); sqliteparameter[] parameter = buildparamarray(entity); if (where != null) { sql = " where " where; if (whereparams != null) { sqliteparameter[] newarr = new sqliteparameter[(parameter.length whereparams.length)]; array.copy(parameter, newarr, parameter.length); array.copy(whereparams, 0, newarr, parameter.length, whereparams.length); parameter = newarr; } } return this.executenonquery(sql, parameter); } /// /// 执行 delete from table 语句,where不必包含'where'关键字,where = null 时将忽略 whereparams /// /// /// /// ///public int delete(string table, string where, sqliteparameter[] whereparams) { if (table == null) { throw new argumentnullexception("table=null"); } this.ensureconnection(); string sql = "delete from " table " "; if (where != null) { sql = "where " where; } return executenonquery(sql, whereparams); } /// /// 将 dictionary 类型数据 转换为 sqliteparameter[] 类型 /// /// ///private sqliteparameter[] buildparamarray(dictionary entity) { list list = new list (); foreach (string key in entity.keys) { list.add(new sqliteparameter(key, entity[key])); } if (list.count == 0) { return null; } return list.toarray(); } /// /// 将 dictionary 类型数据 转换为 插入数据 的 sql语句 /// /// 表名 /// 字典 ///private string buildinsert(string table, dictionary entity) { stringbuilder buf = new stringbuilder(); buf.append("insert into ").append(table); buf.append(" ("); foreach (string key in entity.keys) { buf.append(key).append(","); } buf.remove(buf.length - 1, 1); // 移除最后一个, buf.append(") "); buf.append("values("); foreach (string key in entity.keys) { buf.append("@").append(key).append(","); // 创建一个参数 } buf.remove(buf.length - 1, 1); buf.append(") "); return buf.tostring(); } /// /// 将 dictionary 类型数据 转换为 修改数据 的 sql语句 /// /// 表名 /// 字典 ///private string buildupdate(string table, dictionary entity) { stringbuilder buf = new stringbuilder(); buf.append("update ").append(table).append(" set "); foreach (string key in entity.keys) { buf.append(key).append("=").append("@").append(key).append(","); } buf.remove(buf.length - 1, 1); buf.append(" "); return buf.tostring(); } #endregion } }
using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.text; using system.threading.tasks; using system.threading; namespace mysqlitehelper { ////// 使用using代替lock操作的对象,可指定写入和读取锁定模式 /// public sealed class clslock { #region 内部类 ////// 利用idisposable的using语法糖方便的释放锁定操作内部类 /// private struct lock : idisposable { ////// 读写锁对象 /// private readonly readerwriterlockslim _lock; ////// 是否为写入模式 /// private bool _iswrite; ////// 利用idisposable的using语法糖方便的释放锁定操作构造函数 /// /// 读写锁 /// 写入模式为true,读取模式为false public lock(readerwriterlockslim rwl, bool iswrite) { _lock = rwl; _iswrite = iswrite; } ////// 释放对象时退出指定锁定模式 /// public void dispose() { if (_iswrite) { if (_lock.iswritelockheld) { _lock.exitwritelock(); } } else { if (_lock.isreadlockheld) { _lock.exitreadlock(); } } } } ////// 空的可释放对象,免去了调用时需要判断是否为null的问题内部类 /// private class disposable : idisposable { ////// 空的可释放对象 /// public static readonly disposable empty = new disposable(); ////// 空的释放方法 /// public void dispose() { } } #endregion ////// 读写锁 /// private readonly readerwriterlockslim _lockslim = new readerwriterlockslim(); ////// 使用using代替lock操作的对象,可指定写入和读取锁定模式构造函数 /// public clslock() { enabled = true; } ////// 是否启用,当该值为false时,read()和write()方法将返回 disposable.empty /// public bool enabled { get; set; } ////// 进入读取锁定模式,该模式下允许多个读操作同时进行, /// 退出读锁请将返回对象释放,建议使用using语块, /// enabled为false时,返回disposable.empty, /// 在读取或写入锁定模式下重复执行,返回disposable.empty; /// public idisposable read() { if (enabled == false || _lockslim.isreadlockheld || _lockslim.iswritelockheld) { return disposable.empty; } else { _lockslim.enterreadlock(); return new lock(_lockslim, false); } } ////// 进入写入锁定模式,该模式下只允许同时执行一个读操作, /// 退出读锁请将返回对象释放,建议使用using语块, /// enabled为false时,返回disposable.empty, /// 在写入锁定模式下重复执行,返回disposable.empty /// ///读取模式下不能进入写入锁定状态 public idisposable write() { if (enabled == false || _lockslim.iswritelockheld) { return disposable.empty; } else if (_lockslim.isreadlockheld) { throw new notimplementedexception("读取模式下不能进入写入锁定状态"); } else { _lockslim.enterwritelock(); return new lock(_lockslim, true); } } } }
using mysqlitehelper; using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.data; using system.data.sqlite; using system.windows.forms; namespace sqlitedemo { public partial class form1 : form { public form1() { initializecomponent(); } private sqlitehelper sqlitehelpers = null; private const string dbaddress = "d:\\sqlitedata\\test_record.db3"; private void form1_load(object sender, eventargs e) { sqlitehelpers = new sqlitehelper(dbaddress,"123456"); } ////// 打开数据库 /// /// /// private void button_opendb_click(object sender, eventargs e) { sqlitehelpers.open(); label_dbopenstate.text = "打开"; } ////// 关闭数据库 /// /// /// private void button_closedb_click(object sender, eventargs e) { sqlitehelpers.close(); label_dbopenstate.text = "关闭"; } ////// 查询 /// /// /// private void button_query_click(object sender, eventargs e) { sqliteparameter[] parameter = new sqliteparameter[] { new sqliteparameter("address", "济南") }; string sql = "select * from student where address = @address"; dataset dataset = sqlitehelpers.executedataset(sql, parameter); if (dataset != null) { datagridview1.datasource = dataset.tables[0]; } } ////// 插入数据 /// /// /// private void button_add_click(object sender, eventargs e) { dictionarydic = new dictionary (); dic.add("id", 6); dic.add("name", "王二麻子"); dic.add("age", 44); dic.add("address", "陕西"); int result = sqlitehelpers.insertdata("student", dic); console.writeline("插入结果,受影响的行数:" result); } /// /// 修改数据 /// /// /// private void button_modify_click(object sender, eventargs e) { dictionarydic = new dictionary (); //将列名 name 的值改为 “猴子” dic.add("name", "猴子"); //将列名 address 的值改为 花果山 dic.add("address", "花果山"); //where条件 string where = "id = @id and age = @age"; //where条件中对应的参数 sqliteparameter[] parameter = new sqliteparameter[] { new sqliteparameter("id", 4), new sqliteparameter("age",23) }; int result = sqlitehelpers.update("student", dic, where, parameter); console.writeline("修改结果,受影响的行数:" result); } /// /// 删除数据 /// /// /// private void button_delete_click(object sender, eventargs e) { //where条件 string where = "id = @id"; //where条件中对应的参数 sqliteparameter[] parameter = new sqliteparameter[] { new sqliteparameter("id", 6), }; int result = sqlitehelpers.delete("student", where, parameter); console.writeline("删除结果,受影响的行数:" result); } ////// 判断表是否存在 /// /// /// private void button_tableexists_click(object sender, eventargs e) { string title = "dddd"; bool result = sqlitehelpers.tableexists(title); console.writeline(string.format("{0} 表是否存在,结果:{1}", title, result)); } //输出各表中的数据 //public static void printvalues(dataset ds) //{ // foreach (datatable table in ds.tables) // { // console.writeline("表名称:" table.tablename); // foreach (datarow row in table.rows) // { // foreach (datacolumn column in table.columns) // { // console.write(row[column] ""); // } // console.writeline(); // } // } //} } }
以上就是c#操作sqlite实现数据的增删改查的详细内容,更多关于c# sqlite增删改查的资料请关注其它相关文章!