android 多屏互联的时代,必然会出现多屏连接的问题,通常意义上的多屏连接包括hdmi/usb、wifidisplay,除此之外android 还有overlaydisplay和virtualdisplay,其中virtualdisplay相比不少人录屏的时候都会用到,在android中他们都是display,除了物理屏幕,你在overlaydisplay和virtualdisplay同样也可以展示弹窗或者展示activity,所有的display的差异化通过displaymanagerservice 进行了兼容,同样任意一种display都拥有自己的密度和大小以及display id,对于测试双屏应用,一般也可以通过virtualdisplay进行模拟操作。
本篇主要解决副屏dialog 组建展示问题。存在任意类型的副屏时,让 dialog 展示在副屏上,如果不存在,就需要让它自动展示在主屏上。
为什么会有这种需求呢?默认情况下,实现双屏异显的时候, 通常不是使用presentation就是activity,然而,dialog只能展示在主屏上,而presentation只能展示的副屏上。想象一下这种双屏场景,在切换视频的时候,loading展示应该是在主屏还是副屏呢 ?毫无疑问,答案当然是副屏。
作为presentation的核心点有两个,其中一个是displayid,另一个是windowtype,第一个是通常意义上指定display id,第二个是窗口类型。如果是副屏,那么displayid是必须的参数,且不能和defaultdisplay的id一样,除此之外windowtype是一个需要重点关注的东西。
早期的 type_presentation 存在指纹信息 “被借用” 而造成用户资产损失的风险,即便外部无法获取,但是早期的android 8.0版本利用 (type_presentation=type_application_overlay-1)可以实现屏幕外弹框,在之后的版本做了修复,同时对 type_presentation 展示必须有 token 等校验,但是在这种过程中,presentation的windowtype 变了又变,因此,我们如何获取到兼容每个版本的windowtype呢?
display id的问题我们不需要重点处理,从display 获取即可。windowtype才是重点,方法当然是有的,我们不继承presentation,而是继承dialog因此自行实现可以参考 presentation 中的代码,当然难点是 windowmanagerimpl 和windowtype类获取,前者 @hide 标注的,而后者不固定。
早期我们可以利用 compileonly layoutlib.jar 的方式导入 windowmanagerimpl,但是新版本中 layoutlib.jar 中的类已经几乎被删,另外如果要使用 layoutlib.jar,那么你的项目中的 kotlin 版本就会和 layoutlib.jar 产生冲突,虽然可以删除相关的类,但是这种维护方式非常繁琐,因此我们这里借助反射实现。当然除了反射也可以利用dexmaker或者xposed hook方式,只是复杂性会很多。
windowmanager wm = (windowmanager) outercontext.getsystemservice(window_service); if(display==null || wm.getdefaultdisplay().getdisplayid()==display.getdisplayid()){ return; }
presentation presentation = new presentation(outercontext, display, theme); windowmanager.layoutparams standardattributes =presentation.getwindow().getattributes(); final window w = getwindow(); final windowmanager.layoutparams attr = w.getattributes(); attr.token = standardattributes.token; w.setattributes(attr); //type 源码中是type_presentation,事实上每个版本是不一样的,因此这里动态获取 w.setgravity(gravity.fill); w.settype(standardattributes.type);
windowmanagerimpl 问题
其实我们知道,presentation的windowmanagerimpl并不是给自己用的,而是给dialog上的其他组件(如menu、popwindow等),将其他组件加到dialog的 window上,因为在android系统中,windowmanager都是parent window所具备的能力,所以创建这个不是为了把dialog加进去,而是为了把基于dialog的window组件加到dialog上,这和activity是一样的。那么,其实如果我们没有menu、popwindow,这里实际上是可以不处理的,但是作为一个完整的类,我们这里使用反射处理一下。
我们知道,异显屏的context是通过createdisplaycontext创建的,但是我们这里并不是hook这个方法,只是在创建这个display context之后,再通过contextthemewrapper,设置进去即可。
private static context createpresentationcontext( context outercontext, display display, int theme) { if (outercontext == null) { throw new illegalargumentexception("outercontext must not be null"); } windowmanager outerwindowmanager = (windowmanager) outercontext.getsystemservice(window_service); if (display == null || display.getdisplayid()==outerwindowmanager.getdefaultdisplay().getdisplayid()) { return outercontext; } context displaycontext = outercontext.createdisplaycontext(display); if (theme == 0) { typedvalue outvalue = new typedvalue(); displaycontext.gettheme().resolveattribute( android.r.attr.presentationtheme, outvalue, true); theme = outvalue.resourceid; } // derive the display's window manager from the outer window manager. // we do this because the outer window manager have some extra information // such as the parent window, which is important if the presentation uses // an application window type. // final windowmanager outerwindowmanager = // (windowmanager) outercontext.getsystemservice(window_service); // final windowmanagerimpl displaywindowmanager = // outerwindowmanager.createpresentationwindowmanager(displaycontext); windowmanager displaywindowmanager = null; try { classloader classloader = complexpresentationv1.class.getclassloader(); class loadclass = classloader.loadclass("android.view.windowmanagerimpl"); method createpresentationwindowmanager = loadclass.getdeclaredmethod("createpresentationwindowmanager", context.class); displaywindowmanager = (windowmanager) loadclass.cast(createpresentationwindowmanager.invoke(outerwindowmanager,displaycontext)); } catch (classnotfoundexception | nosuchmethodexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (illegalaccessexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (invocationtargetexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } final windowmanager windowmanager = displaywindowmanager; return new contextthemewrapper(displaycontext, theme) { @override public object getsystemservice(string name) { if (window_service.equals(name)) { return windowmanager; } return super.getsystemservice(name); } }; }
public class complexpresentationv1 extends dialog { private static final string tag = "complexpresentationv1"; private static final int msg_cancel = 1; private display mpresentationdisplay; private displaymanager mdisplaymanager; /** * creates a new presentation that is attached to the specified display * using the default theme. * * @param outercontext the context of the application that is showing the presentation. * the presentation will create its own context (see {@link #getcontext()}) based * on this context and information about the associated display. * @param display the display to which the presentation should be attached. */ public complexpresentationv1(context outercontext, display display) { this(outercontext, display, 0); } /** * creates a new presentation that is attached to the specified display * using the optionally specified theme. * * @param outercontext the context of the application that is showing the presentation. * the presentation will create its own context (see {@link #getcontext()}) based * on this context and information about the associated display. * @param display the display to which the presentation should be attached. * @param theme a style resource describing the theme to use for the window. * see * style and theme resources for more information about defining and using * styles. this theme is applied on top of the current theme in * outercontext. if 0, the default presentation theme will be used. */ public complexpresentationv1(context outercontext, display display, int theme) { super(createpresentationcontext(outercontext, display, theme), theme); windowmanager wm = (windowmanager) outercontext.getsystemservice(window_service); if(display==null || wm.getdefaultdisplay().getdisplayid()==display.getdisplayid()){ return; } mpresentationdisplay = display; mdisplaymanager = (displaymanager)getcontext().getsystemservice(display_service); //注意,这里需要借助presentation的一些属性,否则无法正常弹出弹框,要么有权限问题、要么有token问题 presentation presentation = new presentation(outercontext, display, theme); windowmanager.layoutparams standardattributes = presentation.getwindow().getattributes(); final window w = getwindow(); final windowmanager.layoutparams attr = w.getattributes(); attr.token = standardattributes.token; w.setattributes(attr); w.settype(standardattributes.type); //type 源码中是type_presentation,事实上每个版本是不一样的,因此这里动态获取 w.setgravity(gravity.fill); setcanceledontouchoutside(false); } /** * gets the {@link display} that this presentation appears on. * * @return the display. */ public display getdisplay() { return mpresentationdisplay; } /** * gets the {@link resources} that should be used to inflate the layout of this presentation. * this resources object has been configured according to the metrics of the * display that the presentation appears on. * * @return the presentation resources object. */ public resources getresources() { return getcontext().getresources(); } @override protected void onstart() { super.onstart(); if(mpresentationdisplay ==null){ return; } mdisplaymanager.registerdisplaylistener(mdisplaylistener, mhandler); // since we were not watching for display changes until just now, there is a // chance that the display metrics have changed. if so, we will need to // dismiss the presentation immediately. this case is expected // to be rare but surprising, so we'll write a log message about it. if (!isconfigurationstillvalid()) { log.i(tag, "presentation is being dismissed because the " "display metrics have changed since it was created."); mhandler.sendemptymessage(msg_cancel); } } @override protected void onstop() { if(mpresentationdisplay ==null){ return; } mdisplaymanager.unregisterdisplaylistener(mdisplaylistener); super.onstop(); } /** * inherited from {@link dialog#show}. will throw * {@link android.view.windowmanager.invaliddisplayexception} if the specified secondary * {@link display} can't be found. */ @override public void show() { super.show(); } /** * called by the system when the {@link display} to which the presentation * is attached has been removed. * * the system automatically calls {@link #cancel} to dismiss the presentation * after sending this event. * * @see #getdisplay */ public void ondisplayremoved() { } /** * called by the system when the properties of the {@link display} to which * the presentation is attached have changed. * * if the display metrics have changed (for example, if the display has been * resized or rotated), then the system automatically calls * {@link #cancel} to dismiss the presentation. * * @see #getdisplay */ public void ondisplaychanged() { } private void handledisplayremoved() { ondisplayremoved(); cancel(); } private void handledisplaychanged() { ondisplaychanged(); // we currently do not support configuration changes for presentations // (although we could add that feature with a bit more work). // if the display metrics have changed in any way then the current configuration // is invalid and the application must recreate the presentation to get // a new context. if (!isconfigurationstillvalid()) { log.i(tag, "presentation is being dismissed because the " "display metrics have changed since it was created."); cancel(); } } private boolean isconfigurationstillvalid() { if(mpresentationdisplay ==null){ return true; } displaymetrics dm = new displaymetrics(); mpresentationdisplay.getmetrics(dm); try { method equalsphysical = displaymetrics.class.getdeclaredmethod("equalsphysical", displaymetrics.class); return (boolean) equalsphysical.invoke(dm,getresources().getdisplaymetrics()); } catch (nosuchmethodexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (illegalaccessexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (invocationtargetexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } return false; } private static context createpresentationcontext( context outercontext, display display, int theme) { if (outercontext == null) { throw new illegalargumentexception("outercontext must not be null"); } windowmanager outerwindowmanager = (windowmanager) outercontext.getsystemservice(window_service); if (display == null || display.getdisplayid()==outerwindowmanager.getdefaultdisplay().getdisplayid()) { return outercontext; } context displaycontext = outercontext.createdisplaycontext(display); if (theme == 0) { typedvalue outvalue = new typedvalue(); displaycontext.gettheme().resolveattribute( android.r.attr.presentationtheme, outvalue, true); theme = outvalue.resourceid; } // derive the display's window manager from the outer window manager. // we do this because the outer window manager have some extra information // such as the parent window, which is important if the presentation uses // an application window type. // final windowmanager outerwindowmanager = // (windowmanager) outercontext.getsystemservice(window_service); // final windowmanagerimpl displaywindowmanager = // outerwindowmanager.createpresentationwindowmanager(displaycontext); windowmanager displaywindowmanager = null; try { classloader classloader = complexpresentationv1.class.getclassloader(); class loadclass = classloader.loadclass("android.view.windowmanagerimpl"); method createpresentationwindowmanager = loadclass.getdeclaredmethod("createpresentationwindowmanager", context.class); displaywindowmanager = (windowmanager) loadclass.cast(createpresentationwindowmanager.invoke(outerwindowmanager,displaycontext)); } catch (classnotfoundexception | nosuchmethodexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (illegalaccessexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } catch (invocationtargetexception e) { e.printstacktrace(); } final windowmanager windowmanager = displaywindowmanager; return new contextthemewrapper(displaycontext, theme) { @override public object getsystemservice(string name) { if (window_service.equals(name)) { return windowmanager; } return super.getsystemservice(name); } }; } private final displaymanager.displaylistener mdisplaylistener = new displaymanager.displaylistener() { @override public void ondisplayadded(int displayid) { } @override public void ondisplayremoved(int displayid) { if (displayid == mpresentationdisplay.getdisplayid()) { handledisplayremoved(); } } @override public void ondisplaychanged(int displayid) { if (displayid == mpresentationdisplay.getdisplayid()) { handledisplaychanged(); } } }; private final handler mhandler = new handler() { @override public void handlemessage(message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case msg_cancel: cancel(); break; } } }; }
第一种方案利用反射,但是android 9 开始,很多 @hide 反射不被允许,但是办法也是很多的,比如 freeflection 开源项目,不过对于开发者,能减少对@hide的使用也是为了后续的维护。此外还有一个需要注意的是 presentation 继承的是 dialog 构造方法是无法被包外的子类使用,但是影响不大,我们在和presentation的包名下创建我们的自己的dialog依然可以解决。不过,对于反射天然厌恶的人来说,可以使用代理。
这种方式借壳 dialog,套用 dialog 一层,以代理方式实现,不过相比前一种方案来说,这种方案也有很多缺陷,比如他的oncreate\onshow\onstop\onattachtowindow\ondetatchfromwindow等方法并没有完全和dialog同步,需要做下兼容。
windowmanager wm = (windowmanager) context.getsystemservice(context.window_service); if (display != null && display.getdisplayid() != wm.getdefaultdisplay().getdisplayid()) { dialog = new presentation(context, display, themeresid); } else { dialog = new dialog(context, themeresid); } //下面兼容attach和detatch问题 mdecorview = dialog.getwindow().getdecorview(); mdecorview.addonattachstatechangelistener(this);
@override public void show() { if (!iscreate) { oncreate(null); iscreate = true; } dialog.show(); if (!isstart) { onstart(); isstart = true; } } @override public void dismiss() { dialog.dismiss(); if (isstart) { onstop(); isstart = false; } }